Surgery Scheduled

SO.. my abdominal cerclage is officially scheduled for June 20th!

I don’t quite know how I feel. Yes I’m excited but I’m also nervous because this is the highest level of intervention that we can do for me to carry my child to term. I also think I haven’t processed my feelings about it yet because I’m smack dab in the middle of May  and really just trying to navigate through this month.

I am glad that I am going under full anesthesia for it because..*NEW DEVELOPMENT* I now have slight anxiety attacks whenever I have to put on a hospital gown. It isn’t terrible.. but the last few times, I have burst into tears whenever they ask me to change and then I sit there in the gown and I can’t breathe. It’s a lot.

It is an outpatient procedure and while I’ve taken a week off of work, most of the Abbylooper ladies said they were up to working/back to normal within 2-3 days. So we shall see!!


7 thoughts on “Surgery Scheduled

  1. I’m so excited for you! I’m also really happy to hear that you and Hubbins are still trying. I know all too well the emotions of TTC and loss and hope, so this just thrills me to pieces! Gosh, if I can do a praise break, I would be doing it right now!! Bless you, sis!!

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  2. I’m so excited for you! I mean, I obviously wish you never had to go through any of this, but I’m thankful that advances in medicine can give you more options. I’ll be hoping and praying that this works!!

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