
I have an appointment for next Tuesday. This is a big step for me. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this here but I come from the Carribean. Growing up, depression wasn’t a real thing. It was something that if you were strong enough you could shake. This was even more true if you believed in God; He would carry you through. I believe all of this. I know God is able but I also know that depression is real and that it is dangerous for me to keep carrying all of this around and trying to work it all out in my own head. I need help. 

15 thoughts on “Therapy

  1. I had the same sort of anxieties going to see a therapist for the first time. I believe in God, and I believe He can carry us through hard times as well, but sometimes He carries us by using other people. I hope you find the help you need to get through the depression. Depression is an ugly monster, and I hate that anyone experiences it.

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  2. I think it’s great you’re seeking help. After we lost Ethan, we saw a therapist because I couldn’t just deal with the grief on my own and it really helped us.

    In other news, I was reading my Bible app and it gives me dedications/devotionals to read before the actual verse. The devotional it gave me was to pray for those whose hearts are aching from grief. I immediately thought of you and all of the angel mothers.

    Here is the verse, 1 Samuel 1:11:

    And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”

    Keeping you and hubbins in prayer.


  3. In the first pre-marital session we had with our pastor that married us, he stressed that it is OKAY to get help. And getting help does NOT mean that you are weak or not strong enough. It means you are trying. It means you are taking care of your self. God put these therapists and counselors and others here for us to use just as much as any other resource to take care of ourselves.

    I am so glad you are going to see someone. IT IS OKAY. It takes a strong person to admit they need some help and a stronger person to seek it. You are such a strong person.


  4. My husband and I went and still have check in’s with our therapist. It is good to talk to someone who have had other clients with grief. God bless.

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  5. So proud of you! I haven’t given in yet and made any appointments myself. I am struggling with the “work it out myself” thing as well. Good for you! Keep me posted!

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  6. Going to therapy is a struggle for a lot of cultures and communities. The fact that you are brave enough to go means that you’re already halfway there. Therapy itself isn’t the scary part. I think there is a lot of fear in the admitting our issues, what is making us depressed. The first time I went, I ended up lying my ass off because I didn’t want to feel judged which was absolutely silly. This was no help. Just be honest about everything and hopefully it’ll all help. Good luck, love.

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  7. I absolutely believe my counselor is a key reason why I’ve survived our losses. Without her and a safe space to discuss all my emotions (my grief, fears, hopes, etc.) I have no doubt I would not be standing here today the way I am. I hope you find the same.

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  8. I’m glad you are getting some help. No matter how strong you arw or how much you believe in God, everybody needs somebody to talk to sometimes, and wee, sometimes the best person is a therapist. Absolutely no shame in going. I was reading an article today about how stem cells might be a a reason for rpl. I’m very curious about it. It’s a super new finding, but gave me hope. Maybe in a year or so they’ll be something they can do to greater the chances of carrying to term.

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